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Development Guide

Project Environment

  • language: TypeScript
  • main dependencies: three.js, gsap, lodash
  • node version: v16.17.0
    • This is just for a reference. This project will probably run on other node versions as well.
  • dev server & bundler: vite
  • test framework: QUnit


npm run dev

npm run dev will run three different processes:

  • dev:vite runs vite dev server
  • dev:grunt runs a task defined in /Gruntfile.js and it live-reloads the browser whenever files in /src-compiled/ or /test/ change; automatic browser reload is required to re-run all the unit tests
  • dev:tsc produces /src-compiled/, which is consumed by test scripts located in /test/

A demo app is served at localhost:3000. The html for this demo app is /index.html, the script is /src/testApp.ts, and the style sheet is /src/style.css.

A test suite is served at localhost:3000/test/. The html for this test suite is /test/index.html, the script is /test/main.test.js, and the style sheet is /test/style.css. Currently this test suite is not maintained so you can ignore its entire existence if you don’t intend to write any tests.

npm run build

npm run build bundles the scripts located in /src/ (with the entry point being src/main.ts) and places the bundle in /dist/.

/dist/ is what’s imported if the user of the library imports it in their project like below:

import { World3D } from "3d-next-tour";

Type declarations are located in /dist/src.