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To add an event listener, use World3D.addEventListener(type, callback).

callback is given a single object argument event, in which there are properties called type and optional value.

event.type is the name of the event. Optional event.value is the changed value when the event was fired.


Fires when a MeasuringObject is selected in measurement:select mode.

  • event.value: selected MeasuringObject


  • Fires if there’s currently a selected MeasuringObject and when user starts dragging a dot in measurement:select mode.

  • Fires when Floor.mode changes from measurement:select mode to either navigation or measurement:measure mode if there's currently a selected MeasuringObject.

  • event.value: unselected MeasuringObject


Fires when the selected object is removed.

  • event.value: undefined


Fires when cube-to-cube transition is in process and the next cube’s Cube.init() takes too long. Timeout time is adjustable through Options.transition.cubeToCube.waitTriggerMS.

  • event.value: undefined


Fires when cube-to-cube transition is in process and the next cube’s Cube.init() is finally finished.

  • event.value: undefined


Fires while World3D.init() is being executed.

  • event.value: number (0 - 100)


Fires when the value of World3D.view changes.


Note that if you want to change the value of World3D.view, use World3D.setView() instead of assigning the value directly. The setter is internal use only.

  • event.value: changed view (“cube” | “dollhouse”)


Fires when the value of World3D.mode changes. Unlike World3D.view, you can assign the new value directly.

  • event.value: changed mode ("navigation" | "measurement:measure" | "measurement:select")


Fires when World3D.currentFloor is changed as a result of World3D.setCurrentFloor().

  • event.value: changed Floor


Fires when Floor.currentCube is changed as a result of calling World3D.goToCube().

  • event.value: changed spot’s id


Fires when camera transitioning happens. To see when exactly this event fires, set Options.logEvents to true and examine the console logs.

  • event.value: true at the start and false at the end


Fires whenever the position of camera is manipulated by OrbitControls.

  • event.value: OrbitControls instance